Every Time Ellen DeGeneres Proved She Was The Opposite Of Who She Said She Was

May 2024 · 5 minute read
Ellen DeGeneres isn't only a television host. She was also very famous for being a comedian, writer, actress, and producer. She's a Primetime Emmy Award winner for an episode of the sitcom, 'Ellen,' which aired from 1994 to 1998. In 2003, DeGeneres started her TV show, 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show.' On the show, she had A-List guest stars and a live audience, and she gave away lots of gifts, money, and donations. Meanwhile, her team had contact with fans to send letters, gifts to DeGeneres, and more.

DeGeneres was famous for being a funny host, and the show was always hilarious. She was known as a kind and very generous person, who would contact people in need and give away donations, as well as give her live audience lots of gifts. However, the halo around DeGeneres disappeared in 2020, as the truth about who she is started to surface.

6 Former Employees Outed 'The Ellen Show' As A Toxic Workplace

In 2020, 'The Ellen Show' employees started speaking up about what's going on backstage. Employees took to Twitter sharing mean stories of DeGeneres after being prompted by the comedian, Kevin T. Porter.

Shortly, multiple media platforms interviewed ex-employees, and the stories started piling up. Many people had a bad story about her to tell. One person said that he was an intern on the show and DeGeneres told him not to look her in the eye, while they shared an elevator.

One employee described DeGeneres as a two-faced person. He said, "She's so nice to celebrities, but Ellen demands that junior staffers don't speak to her, touch her or even look at her." There's also a story about how DeGeneres had a sensitive nose and didn't like strong smells. Anyone who was near her needed to chew gum, and if someone smelled, she would tell them to go home and shower.

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After many people accused her of creating a toxic work environment, they claimed that they dealt with racism and intimidation on the show.

5 When Employees On 'The Ellen Show' Were Getting Assaulted Right Under Ellen DeGeneres' Nose

Former employees claimed that one executive producer was very handsy with women, while other producers sexually assaulted or harassed them. Both men and women admitted to being asked to do specific sexual acts in the workplace. It turned out that the control room of the show was the location of many harassment incidents, as one person said that an executive producer touched her inappropriately in the control room.

On those allegations, one ex-employee said that DeGeneres knew what was happening backstage, but didn't want to hear it. However, DeGeneres commented saying, "I don't know how I could have known... I do wish somebody would have come to me and said, 'Hey, something's going on that you should know about.'"

4 When Stories About Ellen DeGeneres Being A 'Karen' Surfaced

Among thousands of tweets of mean stories about DeGeneres, some displayed her as an entitled and rude 'Karen.' Aside from complaining about something that didn't concern her, she got violent with someone for bumping into her. In one tweet, someone told the story of how they saw her in a restaurant in LA and a waiter nearby accidentally bumped into her, so she pushed his head into a bowl of hot soup, and he got 2nd-degree burns.

3 When Ellen DeGeneres Is Seen With George W. Bush At An NFL Game

Fans were not happy about this one. They wondered how and why an openly gay liberal was friends with a conservative republican who opposed gay marriage while in office. Especially after DeGeneres judged and bullied Caitlyn Jenner on The Howard Stern radio show. She started the rumor that Jenner, being a republican, was against gay marriage.

DeGeneres responded to the heat and said that she's friends with a lot of people who don't share the same beliefs as she does. However, people viewed DeGeneres as a hypocrite who had double standards, because that was not her stance in the case of Jenner.

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Even celebrities called her out, including Mark Ruffalo. He replied in a tweet to an article about kindness and DeGeneres. He wrote, "Sorry, until George W. Bush is brought to justice for the crimes of the Iraq War, (including American-lead torture, Iraqi deaths & displacement, and the deep scars—emotional & otherwise—inflicted on our military that served his folly), we can't even begin to talk about kindness."

2 When Ellen DeGeneres Abandoned Greyson Chance After Signing Him

DeGeneres invited Greyson Chance as a guest on her show when he was 12 years old, signed him to her record label, and promised she would help him with his career. Chance came out after the events of 2020 and said that DeGeneres was domineering and controlling.

He also claimed that when his career started tanking, she abandoned him and stopped returning his calls. According to Chance, this has left him with PTSD from the experience. However, DeGeneres of course denied those claims and insisted that she did her best to help his career.

1 When Ellen DeGeneres Made Fun Of Her Fans And Guests

Reviewing some gifts that fans sent her, DeGeneres made fun of one painting a fan drew of her and Portia, and how they got the painting right on the 10th try.

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Another time, she emptied the wallet of a guest and made fun of her for not being rich.

“So this is all you have right now in cash?” DeGeneres asked. “Alright, well that’s not rich.” Even though she gave her a thousand dollars afterward, she didn't need to embarrass her like that.

These examples are just a few of the times DeGeneres showed her true colors.
